
Established in February 2011 by Founder and President, Mike Hamilton AKA “SMOKE”, Co-Founder, T. Snow AKA “SNOW” and Co-Founder, D. Brown AKA "NICE" .

Our club caters to ONLY active and retired male law enforcement motorcycle enthusiasts with a true passion for riding. Motorcycle must be a HARLEY DAVIDSON minimum of 1200cc or more to ride with the Dawgs!!

Our objective is to give back to the community not only on-duty but off-duty as well by conducting charity rides to raise money for less fortunate families in the Metro Atlanta area.

International Club Recognition: BLACK DOGS LE MC February 20,2011.

We take a moment to give special thanks to the BLACK DOGS LE MC http:/www.blackdogscz.com/new/lemc_cz.htm for their recent recognition of the BLUE DAWGS LE MC. Their club's website is visited by MC's all over the globe, and the DAWGS are proud to be a part of their LE family. Our club's link can also be accessed on the BLACK DOGS website by just clicking on our clubs patch, BLUE DAWGS LE MC.